Home Spiritual Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj Festival

Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj Festival

Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj
Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj

Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam also called as Brother-Sister Festival falls on the second day of diwali-deepavali is one of the women oriented festival that is celebrated in India.

Bhai Dooj is similar to rakhi festival which represents eternal bond of love and affection between a brother and a sister, where sister prays and blesses her brother with good luck, longevity and success.

Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj Festival has much significance after rakhi, Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam also called as Bhai Dooj, Bhathru Dwithiya, Bhai Phota, Bhai Fota, Bhai Dooj, Bhau Beej, Bhai Tika, Yama Dwitiya etc.

Bhagini means sister, Hastha means hands, Bhojanam means food which means having meals cooked and served by her sister, in hindi Bhai means brother, Dooj means means two days after new moon.

On this auspicious day, sisters put tilak on their brother’s forehead and place some rice grains on the tilak, place some paddy grass on head, ties rakhi or thread to his hand , gives arathi to him and pray for their brother’s good health, success, long life, happy life and to remove all the evil and negative forces in his life and offers food cooked by her in return brother gifts her sister with gold, sindhur, clothes and gifts etc.

History Behind Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj Festival:

After a long requests of Yamraj sister yamuna to visit her home after her marriage, one day Yamadharmaraj-the god of death gives a surprise visit to her sister yamuna house.

Yamuna felt very happy and invited Yamraj inside, applied the vermillion tilak on his forehead and put a garland around him, wished him and offered food prepared by her.

Yamraj felt very happy for her sister’s hospitality and gives her a boon, Yamraj sister yamuna requested to bless people who visits her sisters home and take blessings and eat food cooked by her sister on this day for his good health, success, long life, happy life and remove all the evil and negative forces in his life.

Another legend is after killing the demon Narakasura Lord Krishna went to his sister Subhadra’s house. She welcomed him with aarti, flowers and sweets. She then applied the tilak on his forehead. People enjoy Bhai Dooj festival with tremendous fervour and zeal, keeping this legend in mind.

Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj Significance:

1) Protects brother from enemies

2) Blesses brother with long life

3) Get rids of bad luck, black magic against your brother

4) It minifies malefic effect of mercury

5) Brings love and harmony between brothers and sisters

6) Removes malefic effect of 3rd house in horoscope

Mantra To Chant While Applying The Tilak on Bhagini Hastha Bhojanam-Bhai Dooj day :

Bhratus tabaa grajaataaham, Bhunksa bhaktamidam shuvam Preetaye yama raajasya Yamunaah Visheshatah