Home Health High Zinc Rich Foods To Eat

High Zinc Rich Foods To Eat

Zinc Foods
Zinc Foods

Zinc an immunity system boosting mineral is essential for a healthy body functioning, It also helps to grow and repair body tissues. Zinc is available in seeds, nuts etc. Include these foods in your regular diet to reap benefits.

If you are planning to become mother (pregnant) then zinc mineral plays an important role in Pregnancy, it improves fertility in adults and growth in children.

One thing you should know is that body does not produce Zinc, you should gain it through diet by eating rich foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, cerals and milk based products or by taking oral supplement. We suggest you to go for natural foods.

Benefits Of Zinc

Zinc builds Healthy Immune System, Metabolize Nutrients, Proteins, Quick Wound Healing, DNA, Fertility (Treating Infertility). Cures Common Cold, Heart Disease, Thyroid, Eye Health, Child Growth, Skin, Nails. Treat Hair Loss, Impotency, diarrhea, Digestive Disorders, skin rashes, etc.

Below Are List Of Zinc Rich Foods :

Almonds are rich in zinc along with dietary fiber, protein, vitamin E, healthy fats etc which wardoff many threatening diseases. It contains approx 3.12 mg

Apricots are very nutritious and have many health benefits. Various vitamins and minerals, antioxidants in it fights free radicals. It contains approx 0.2 mg zinc per 100 grams.

Avocado contains good amount of zinc along with vitamins, minerals, Omega-3 fatty acid. It contains approx 0.6 mg. Eating too much of avocado at a time can cause stomach upset like bloating, diarrhea etc.

Beef along with zinc beef is packed with vitamin B12, vitamin B, protein etc. It contains approx 4.8 mg. Consume beef products in limit as it can effect your heart.
Black Beans
Brown Rice
Cheddar Cheese
Chia Seeds
Chicken Breast are low in fat and high in protein and good amount of zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B3. It contains approx 1 mg.
Chicken rich source of protein, thighs and legs of chicken have more amounts of zinc, fat and cholesterol. It is to good to include in your diet if suffering from iron deficiency. It contains approx 2.1 mg.
Chickpeas are rich in zinc along with fiber, protein and several vitamins and minerals. Chickpea is an alternative or substitute to meat products. It contains approx 1.5 mg.
Clams along with zinc contains vitamin B12, c-vitamin and other vitamins, minerals. Clams belongs to shellfish category. It contains approx 2 mg.
Crab along with various vitamins (A, B, C etc.) crabs are excellent sources of zinc, selenium, Omega-3 fatty acid and other minerals that boost your immune system, brain. Belongs to shellfish family. It contains approx 3.5 mg.
Dark Chocolate
Flax Seeds
Garbanzo Beans
Green Peas contains fiber, zinc, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that protects from chronic illness. It contains approx 1.2 mg.
Hemp Seeds
Hyacinth Beans along with zinc hyacinth beans are good source of protein, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals etc. antioxidants protect from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of cancer. It contains approx 9 mg.
Kidney Beans
Legumes like peas, lentils and beans are good source of zinc.
Lentils like dry beans or pods, dal, grams that are available in green, red, yellow, brown, black etc. are good sources of zinc and high in protein, fiber. It belongs to legume family. Eating too much lentils may bloat your stomach with gas.
Lima Beans
Lobster the amount of zinc content in it meets your needs, also a great source of selenium a mineral which is important for healthy body function, fertility in both men and women. lobster is a type of shell fish. It contains approx 3.53 mg.
Meat a great source of zinc. Red meat includes beef, lamb, pork etc. Eating lot of red meat may effect your health so limit your consuption.
Mushrooms are vegetarian super rich food, protects from many deadly diseases. It contains various vitamins and minerals along with zinc. It contains approx 0.9 mg.
Mussels are high in zinc that energise metabolism in human body, also good source of protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Belongs to shellfish category.
Oysters it contains approx 70 to 90 mg.
Peanut Butter
Peas Vegetables like green peas, chickpeas are rich in zinc. Its Vegans rich food, if you are pure vegetarian then add them in your regular diet.
Pecans are good source of fiber and nutrient dense, it contains phytonutrients and various vitamins. It contains approx 4 mg per 100 grams.
Pine Nuts
Pinto Beans
Pumpkin Seeds
Scallops contains good amount of zinc, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and other minerals. Zinc content in it has the ability to balance hormone levels. Scallops are a form of mollusk, molluscs. It contains approx 1 mg.
Shellfish like oysters, Lobster, clams, crab, mussels, shrimp, scallops etc. are one of the most powerful natural sources of zinc. It is good to consume sea food once or twice a week, even if we eat contaminated one unknowingly our healthy body has ability to flush that out.
Shrimp along with zinc content it also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory porperties that support nervous, musculoskeletal system, reduce risk of colon cancer, diabetes related problems etc. It contains approx 1 mg.
Squash Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Tempeh is made from soybeans. it contains good amount of zinc and other vitamins. tempeh and other soy products are good replacement to meat. It contains approx 1.5 mg.
Watermelon Seeds
Whole Wheat Bread
Winged Beans

Average daily recommended zinc for adults is 11 mg – men and 8 mg – women.

Below Suggested Daily Intake Of Zinc

Kids – Infant (Male, Female) within 0 to 6 months: 2 mg – milligrams per day
Kids – Infant (Male, Female) within 7 to 12 months: 3 mg – milligrams per day
Children (Male, Female) within 1 to 3 years: 3 mg – milligrams per day
Children (Male, Female) within 4 to 8 years: 5 mg – milligrams per day
Children (Male, Female) within 9 to 13 years: 8 mg – milligrams per day
Children (Male) 14 years and over: 11 mg – milligrams per day
Children (Female) 14 years and over: 8 mg – milligrams per day
Adult Men : 11 mg – milligrams per day
Adult Women : 8 mg – milligrams per day
Pregnant Women : 11 mg – milligrams per day
Breastfeeding Women : 12 mg – milligrams per day

Note : A high intake of Zinc ie. over 40 mg a day may cause health problems, be cautious as any thing over is dangerous. Here we are providing information only, please speak to your doctor or nutritionist and take nutrient supplements under his / her guidance.