Home Articles Best Days For Men-Women Hair Wash-Head Bath

Best Days For Men-Women Hair Wash-Head Bath

Hair Wash-Head Bath
Hair Wash-Head Bath

As per astrology there are good and bad days for Women and Men taking Head Bath – Talasnanam. If you belief our ancestors culture its good to take hair wash accordingly to reap benefits.

Most of the gents, ladies do head bath daily thinking its good for hair as they move around in dust, pollution, heat, sweat, maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene. Even if its good for hair health some traditions and ancient scripts says that its not good to do hair wash daily.

Head bath called as Tala Snanam, Talasnanam in telugu. Known as Baal Dhona in hindi. Tale Snana in kannada etc.

Below Are The Best Days For Women Head Bath :

1) Head bath on Monday gives peace of mind, also elevate inner beauty.

2) Hair wash on Tuesday give death like sadness, if mars is badly placed in your horoscope chart then you should avoid on this day.

3) Taking head shower on Wednesday brings good bond between couple (wife and husband), will prosper in business and daily life, get blessings from goddess lakshmi, if you are mother of one male child then its not good as it adversely effects on your boys health, couple wanting a male child this its good day..

4) Hair bath on Thursday gives financial debts, Goddess Lakshmi will walk away from your life and you will become beggar and also thursday being auspicious day for Brihaspati – Guru washing hair on guruvaram prevents guru blessings and all prosperity and wealth will be lost.

5) On Friday will give obstacles.

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6) On Saturday all wishes be it money or comforts are fulfilled and get more luxuries, there is also belief that it calms down the effect of Sade Sati.

7) On Sunday increases unwanted desires.

According to the astrological predictions it is good for Women taking hair wash on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.

Note : washing clothes on Thursday is not good.

Below Are The Best Days For Men Hair Wash :

1) Head bath on Monday will improve beauty and body stature, Earning of wealth.

2) Head wash on Tuesday gives death like sadness.

3) Taking head shower on Wednesday brings prosperity in business and daily life, will also bring good relation(bond) between wife and husband.

4) Hair bath on Thursday will give financial debts.

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5) On Friday will get comfort loss, also give obstacles.

6) On Saturday will get more luxuries in the form of money and comforts and all wishes will be fulfilled.

7) On Sunday will creates unwanted desires.

According to the Sastras and traditions it is good for Men taking head bath on Wednesday, Saturday and Monday.

Note : Its considered good to have hair cut on Saturday than Sunday, Shaving is not considered good on Thursday and Saturday

Is It Good Or Bad Doing Hair Wash Daily-Everyday

If you are in a dilema that how often should you wash your hair? leaving astrological traditions and beliefs Washing frequently without using shampoos is more better than using shampoo as it can dry out your hair with splits from roots and your hair gets damaged.

Even if your hair is oily or has scalp doing head bath using shampoos may clean and clear it, but damages your hair in long run.