Home Tech Air Conditioner-AC Buying Guide-Tips India

Air Conditioner-AC Buying Guide-Tips India

Air Conditioner-AC
Air Conditioner-AC

Planning to buy an AC? Air Conditioner being a costly and power consuming product one should consider all the technical details, features and specifications before buying it. Power saving air conditioners are the best to buy.

AC’s are considered as luxury item and used by rich people a long back but now being used by all people as it became an essential product due to summers getting hotter by hot every year. Not only in cities people from rural areas (villages / town) are affording to buy it.

As Air Conditioner being a must in every house, one should clearly know about the product they are going to buy. Now a days AC units have many advanced features, There are many factors to be considered before buying AC, researching before buying will save money and energy while keeping your house cool.

Consider These Tips Before Purchasing An Air Conditioner-AC :

Capacity (Ton) : The capacity of the air conditioner should be considered depending on the floor size of the room for which the AC is required. As per present heat and humid conditions 1.0 Ton capacity of AC is required for 100 square feet-sq.ft room (10 ft x 10 ft), in the same way based on your room size you should go on increasing Ton capacity. You should take AC capacity of 1.5 Ton if your room size is 10 x 15 ft, You should consider taking AC capacity of 2.0 Ton if your room size is 10 x 20 ft. This will ensure your room with effective cooling. So consider planning Air Conditioner-AC capacity (1 ton, 1.5 ton, 2 ton etc) based on your room size.

Energy Efficiency (Star Rating) : Energy / Power Efficiency is rated by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) Star Rating and Energy Efficiency denotes the efficiency of an air conditioner. Any Air Conditioner-AC unit with more stars will consume lesser electricity than one with a lower star rating, rated from 1 star to 5 star.

Normally 5 star Air Conditioners – AC will consume less power, if you can afford to buy 5 star AC then go for it, if you cannot afford that much price then you can look for 3 star rating AC.

Inverter Air Conditioner-ACs : With Inverter ACs, the compressor runs constantly, but at speeds that vary based on the cooling requirement. This technology saves more energy when compared to non-inverter ACs. As Inverter Air Conditioner-ACs has high cooling power with power saving and it adapts to room temperatures which gives good life span to your Air Conditioner-AC.

Now a days Dual Inverters / Dual Rotors are available in market as Dual Inverter will consume much lesser energy than a conventional AC, so resarch well before buying.

Split Air Conditioners Vs Window Air Conditioners : Though window units are cheaper and easy to install, Split ACs are faster at cooling, more energy efficient, quieter and provide better air distribution. Better go for Split Air Conditioner-AC.

Condenser Coils : There are two types of condenser coils that are used in air conditioners to condense and cool air – Copper and Aluminum. We suggest you go for a Copper Condenser Coils even if it cost high. Copper Condenser Coils has high cooling / heating speed with less repair downtime with low maintenance cost than Aluminum Condenser Coils. If you cant afford then see for Blue fin condensers in Aluminum Condenser Coils.

What is Blue fin condensers? Blue fin condensers are nothing but is a pre-coat on the coil with anti-corrosive materials so that the condenser coil is protected from the humidity and moisture.

Price : Price of the product is also important, more features with star ratings price increases, but consider 5 star rating inverter AC as it saves more energy so you get less power bill-current bill as well as it gives good life span to your AC Unit

Installation Requirements : window AC consists of one unit and is attached to windows, A split AC contains 2 units ie indoor unit (air cooler unit), outdoor unit (compressor unit). indoor unit is to be installed inside the room and compressor unit should be outside room or house, make a note that outdoor unit to be kept in open place (ventilated area) where it can breathe fresh air. AC authorized service center person only should install it, as AC performance and power-current savings depends on installation.

Maintenance : AC units should be kept clean as performance (cooling and power savings) is based on regular servicing, preferably quarterly (if you are using 365 days a year) or else twice a year if you use occasionally (only summer).

After Sales Services : Once purchased you might get warranty and free services for one year. Look for add-on features like additional warranty or else get the best service providers in your area or the same provider with additional charges.

Along With The Above Ensure That Your Air Conditioner-AC Has These Features Also :

Anti-bacteria Filter Feature : This filter removes harmful substances from the air such as bacteria, pollen, dog hair, dust mites and other particles that are extremely small or invisible to the human eye.

De humidification Feature : This feature reduces the humidity in the room by decreasing the moisture in the circulated air.

Dust Filter Feature : This air purifying system captures even microscopic dust particles, effectively cleaning the air being circulated. This filter also makes the AC easier to clean and maintain.

Auto-Clean Function Feature : Prevents the accumulation of bacteria, dust and mold on the heat exchanger, extending the life of the air conditioner.

Sleep Mode Feature : Automatically adjusts the temperature to ensure you are comfortable while you sleep.

Noise Levels : It is important to check the noise levels of the model, which may range from 19 – 60 decibels. Both indoor and outdoor units has noise level values.